Planning for the Future Vision Project 1

November 14 // LIBE 477

(Courtesy of Pexel by Pixabay)

As I plan for my Future Vision Project this week I tackled a brief outline that answers the questions “What” and “How”.

HOW will I display my work?

I have seen some examples of a Microsoft Sway, but have never created one myself. Every LIBE or LLED course has pushed me to try new technologies and presentations styles. I’ve enjoyed exploring different programs and have often reflected afterwards of how I could integrate that presentation style into the classroom.

As I have mentioned a few times during these blog posts, it is my joy to be part of a TL community within my district that is supportive and very collaborative. I few lead TLs within this community have showcased their LLCs to us through a Sway presentation. (I cannot embed an example because the link is private). I like how Sway reads like a blog, but is part of the MS suite. I like how it allows for creativity and integration of videos, photos, and different styles. Here is an example of a Sway that a TL in my district made (the only example I could find with a public link: District Learning Commons). I look forward to teaching myself how to use Sway and eventually using it to display my Future Vision Project.

(courtesy of Geralt from Pixabay)

What will I display?

This is, of course, a working idea still in a very malleable form. Here are my thoughts so far: my goal is to have different sections for my Vision for Teacher Librarianship; at this point I am thinking four sections.

1. Library mission statement/vision statement

2. Reading Culture

3. 21st century learning (technology integration section)

4. Role of Teacher Librarian


Details about the sections:

Section one will be an over-arching view of what we stand for. An introduction to who we are (TL and LT), and our community. Here I will draw on sources for modern-day Library Learning Commons such as: "Leading Learning: Standards of Practice for School Library Learning Commons in Canada".  

Section two will have two sub-sections: What we currently do for reading culture and what we want to do in the future. Here I will embed photos of our library showcasing ways we build reading culture. In the second sub-section I will draw on readings from the class including my sources for my Reading Culture blog post and my colleagues' blog posts.

Section three will have two sub-sections: What we currently do for 21st century learning and technological integration in our Learning Commons programming and then what we want to do in the future.  Some of my sources for this will be: “Why School” as well as ones that speak to ICTs in the classroom and strategies for 21st century learning.

Section four will speak to the role of the TL within the school. Some examples are:
- curate and maintain the physical library
- collaborate with teachers
- learning leader
- create text sets and curriculum/resource compilation
- provide information literacy to students and staff
- provide digital literacy to students

*Note, this section won't be reflective, but more of a simple reminder of areas of expertise.*

The Sway will not include a reflection as is required in the rubric for this project. The Sway will be uploaded to a blog post on this blog and the reflective piece will be in the blog post. 

That's my plan so far. What do you think?




  1. I like your idea of having subsections to highlight what is currently taking place in your LLC programs and what you would like to see in the future. I find that when presenting a vision to others, this is a useful technique as it allows them to not only recognize the benefits of these changes and improvements, but how these changes can connect to and build off what is already taking place in your LLC. This can make implementing changes seem less daunting as they are scaffolded in. I look forward to seeing your completed Sway project!

  2. Jennifer, I love this idea! I think there are still people out there who still possess outdated understandings of the Library Learning Commons and the role of the Teacher-Librarian. Such a resource would hopefully invite more collaboration as teachers see the multitude of ways you can support them / work with their students.

  3. You have a strong idea here for your final project. I appreciate how you are thinking about our key themes and incorporating them into your work. I am eager to see what you create. This presentation could be a good advocacy tool as well! Consider how you will share your work with teachers in your school and district. Your plan to incorporate your reflection into the blog post works well. Other students have put their works cited in their post as well.


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