Theme Two: Face to Face Encounters
Theme Two: Face to Face Encounters In this theme, the lessons and readings that stood out the most were the facts an opinions regarding the face-to-face encounters of the Teacher Librarian who is encouraging students towards the right piece of information or collaborating with colleagues about an integrated unit. This part of our job does not come with a rule book, but really requires keen listening, knowledge of ones online and print catalogue, and creative implementation skills that span the ages of each grade in one’s school. I found the article by Shayne Russell entitled “Teachers and Librarians: Collaborative Relationships” to be very encouraging. I’ve read many articles around this and similar topics, but this one was unique because it really builds UP the Teacher Librarian in value. Where other similar articles spend time persuading the TL to advocate boldly to their administrator, this article outlines the standard of what an administrator sho...